What good is a playlist in an algorithmic world?

Thu Mar 20 2025Playlisting
What good is a playlist in an algorithmic world?

What playlisting must evolve towards

What can you even bring to the table?

The playlisting scene has been changing for as long as it has existed. I mention this in my previous post, The art of playlisting, which covers a brief history of playlisting. As we enter an era more defined by algorithmic discovery than communal discovery, what is the point of making a playlist? Why should you put in the effort to make a playlist that Spotify could make weekly? Think about it. I think that for the average listener, there is no point except to make a collection of your favorite songs for the current season that you’re in.

For those who want to dive deeper and create something that others will listen to, simply because you find it fun, or perhaps because you want to feature an artist for personal or financial gain, I think we need to take a fresh look at what playlisting is in today’s current context.

Before you start, ask yourself a question. Could an algorithm create the playlist I want to create? If the answer is yes then I’d urge you firstly to check out my project algRTHM (it is currently in beta, but perhaps it will be finished by the time you are reading this) and secondly, who cares then? The world doesn’t need another EDM playlist or bedroom lo-fi playlist (as much as I may enjoy the latter). Is there anything that your playlist brings to the table that a Spotify playlist can’t? Why should listeners listen to your playlist over something that already exists?

Craft something unique

If you’re going to make a playlist with the goal of reaching listeners, make something worth listening to. Find songs that fit together in interesting ways, push listeners towards something new that an algorithm can’t. Your playlist should be something that no algorithm has yet to replicate. In other words, fill a niche that hasn’t been touched or create your own.

Start with finding your audience or the theme of your playlist. Search Spotify to see if something similar already exists. The title should communicate to the listener what makes your playlist better than an algorithmic playlist or what sets it apart as a unique listening experience for the listener. Playlist images also play an important role in this. Are you just copying Spotify’s design patterns or are you being creative with the whole process?

Playlisting is an art and it takes practice. Try, fail, try again. But, most importantly, enjoy what you’ve made. If you yourself won’t listen to your playlist just for fun, what’s to say anyone else will. For me, this is the key metric of if I’ve succeeded. If I can listen to the same playlist time and time again, in order.